Fui ver o que era felicidade no dicionário, mas a definição estava errada. Deveria constar o teu nome.

I went to see on the dictionary what was happiness, but the defenition was wrong. It should be your name on it.

01 setembro 2011

loves one

I honestly don't Know what you out there want to listen...
That your dreams are going to become true? well,...if you fight for them
That sport can give us freedom and that fresh air you never felt before? Well,...if you practice
That lifes are far and lovely? Well,...I can't but you can build your life at the form you want to
That love is a thing you can learn as maths and history?Well,...That is the only thong I cannot honestly say something about it... We lie, we hide, we build bones with the next ones when we are in love we do all that stuff and more...So... A little advice
Dance as mutch as you can, sing as mutch as you want and wait...~
Because love apears when we're not waiting...

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